STS Alumni Spend Spring Football with the Hoyas

careers football Apr 16, 2019

For most colleges spring football is over and on to recruiting. Some Soldiers To Sidelines alumni were able to take advantage of incredible coaching experiences with Division I football programs. STS was able to assist U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Justin Tentler and U.S. Navy veteran Eric Allie gain access to Georgetown University Football program during spring ball. 


Eric Allie reported, “I learned so much about how well organized a D-I practice is run and the incredible amount of work it takes to organize everything.”  Allie was helpful in floating around the offensive side of the ball setting drills for upcoming periods and providing an extra set of hands anywhere needed. Allie reports he enjoyed sitting in on the offensive staff meetings and getting into the detail of how the plays were executed. Coach Allie commented, “The relationships I cultivated with this great group of coaches means a lot to me as I continue my coaching career. They really taught me a lot.”

Tech. Sgt. Justin Tentler had an equally incredible experience. “It’s been a real eye opener about how meticulous and detail oriented everyone is in how they set up meetings, watch film, organize practice and stay on schedule throughout the day.” Coach Tentler recognized that all his skills in planning security details on base is very similar to organizing a day in football.  “We have to have contingency plans for everything, and it requires a lot of forethought.”  When asked what was most interesting of his experience coaching at Georgetown, Tentler responded, “I worked primarily on the defensive side of the ball with the DBs. I was interested in how the units practice separately for most of the time, but then they can seamlessly come together and operate as an entire team.” Coach Tentler found this opportunity to be a ton of fun.  His favorite aspect was, “learning and being a sponge soaking up every football related.”

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